Sunday, January 8, 2012

Jessica Elicin's FREE Female Empowerment Conference

On 12/17/11 S.T.I.L.E.T.T.O. Impressions interviewed Jessica Elicin at the Coffee Cave in Newark, NJ to learn more about Jessica's Non-Profit Organization Jeloude 4 Womyn by Womyn Presenting, "This is the Exclamination!" This FREE Female Empowerment Conference takes place February 9-11th 2012. 

Jessica is a Prevention Team Leader and African American Health Educator in which there's no limit to the lengths of dedication Jessica invests in empowering the African American Community!!!

"Moving Past the Past and BOLDLY Forward, 2012 is a year for BOLDNESS". 

To register for this event or for more info please email 4Womyn@Gmail.Com                               

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